Wat een gaaf gala
Wat een gaaf gala
Nieuwe jaar goed begonnen.
drukte eind 2024
Terugkomdagen zijn zwaar maar hebben impact
nieuws allerhande
Vanwege de AVG geen foto's meer van sportieve kids
Na korte break weer volop aan de gang
Crazy dagen/weken bij PMM
vakantieparken van Molecaten maken nu plaats voor scholen
storing is stilte
Volle dagen volgen elkaar op
Werk stapelt zich op en geeft geen ruimte om op de lauweren te rusten
vele deelnemers
PestMijMaar tour populair
mooie activiteiten wisselen elkaar af
Beneden armoede grens
prachtige events wisselen elkaar af
Het HAS te DenBosch geniet
Krokusvakantie, meivakantie, zomervakantie, noem het maar op...wij zijn er
sterker dan ooit tevoren
alle schoolsoorten en leraren kiezen voor PMM
2024 begonnen met een knal
Met de feestdagen voor de deur blijft het druk
drukke Venlo weken en meer goede happenings
Molecaten gaan door
Het was druk tijdens de week tegen het pesten
Wat een prachtige tour draaien we toch
Hoogtijd dagen PMM
Tour langs de vakantieparken trekken veel deelnemers
na operatie veel hulp
ja wij zijn nog steeds overal
vele plaatsen met grote variatie
Busy funtimes
Dagelijks rollen de aanvragen binnen.
Actie van maanden geleden brengt winnaar
Alles in beweging Amersfoort
mooie week
April crazy druk
Druk schema
mooie taferelen bij Switch Jeugdzorg
School in Weesp pittig
Enschede 11 maart 2023
Speciaal onderwijs school te Delft laat kinderen genieten
3 workshops bij AZC Budel
ouders hebben plezier met hun kids
leerlingen veel plezier
Heerlijke opkomst in Kruiningen
Prettige opdracht krijgt donker randje
MBO school te Amsterdam zeer respectvol
2023 brengt ons veel goeds
I get inspired by some people
variatie is goed te doen.
Heerlijke afwisseling
Prettig werken met volwassenen
reizen over het gehele land, inspireren en laten bewegen
prachtig filmpje somt het wel even op
Heerlijke variatie houd ons fris
Laatste maanden lopen de aantallen deelnemers flink op
Bus rijdt vele kilometers
prachtige variatie in werkgebied en deelnemers
zomer vol actie
Deze zomer slechts klein aantal parken
Corona heeft heel veel roet in het eten gegooid
Sportbus kriskras door het land
Brug naar de Brugklas een groot succes wederom
Zaanstreek in beweging
Verouderde foto's worden vernieuwd
Steven Pont, Bastiaan Goedhart en Wim van Gelder openen de ogen
PMM tour draait overuren
Veenendaalse jeugd geniet
Tis weer zover
Week in Dordrecht
Basisscholen het Noorderlicht, Passie en Sneeuw
Goirle en griep
PMM tour draait op volle toeren
Woodpeckers Houten schoolvakantieclinic
Organisator Irene de Jong ziek
Grote dag in DenBosch
Duizendpoot Jantien Koch zet door op gemeentejob
Ziek personeel bij naschoolse opvang
Jack Mikkers, burgemeester met het hart op de goeie plek
kleine wereld die van het basketball in Nederland
Agenda loopt weer vol
Geduld is een schone zaak
Het zat er weer aan te komen maar toch kwam het koud op ons dak
fijne opeenstapeling van mooie gebeurtenissen
Scholen zien grote verandering in kinderen
Grote groep kinderen op Tender College Hoorn geven geweldige vibe af
Over het gehele land
Bomvolle week eindigde in Noordwijk
5, 6, 7 en 8 oktober volle bak PPM tour.
Week tegen pesten weer ten einde maar onze missie is tijdloos
Fun buiten en binnen
Universiteit Breda geniet tijdens teambuilding
Weinig tijd voor media berichten
Volle weken zorgen voor groots bereik
Grootste aantallen deelnemers ooit tijdens de vakantie-parken tour
Nike, a Lovestory
I was working at the GAK office building in 1979 around the Bos en Lommer area Amsterdam at the time that I walked around during my daily lunch hour. I didn’t like my job sitting at a desk but I made a living while being at home with my parents, sisters and brother. One day I passed a sport store not far from the GAK that I noticed some yellow running shoes in the window. It had the bottom soles looking like a pancake waffle iron and a greenish swoosh on the side. Didn’t pay much attention but it did intrigue me as being new and flashy looking.
Many years later, after 4 years of college in Kentucky (small school) and in the middle of a pro career I was helping at camps and started picking up on doing some clinics. Nike had become a household name and Michael Jordan their main character.
It was in 1994 when I was doing a workshop at the Apollohal Amsterdam. Around 300 kids were at the place and I was using only my voice to make them do what I wanted. I actually lost my voice over there, as i now use lots of treble on my Pioneer Dj set to make it sound somewhat understandable, haha.
As I was getting to start my workshop a tall guy walked up to me. I recognized him right away because he was a hell of a player on the highest level in the Netherlands.
He told me to come with him because he wanted to show me something. The bag he brought was full of Nike clothing and shoes. Paul Santen worked for Nike at that time and he told me, ‘as long as you do clinics, you can wear Nike if you would like’. In between 1979 when I saw the first Nike shoes in that sport store and 1994 were 15 years of basketball: 4 years college basketball, playing for Nashua, Haarlem, Den Helder, the National team, try out 76ers and in Belgium. 15 years of none-stop basketball and now at this point of my basketball life Paul Santen steps in.
It couldn’t have come at a better time. I have always loved working with kids and adults, teaching them to be good people and also the basketball skills of course.
Paul gesture gave me a big lift in what I would love to continue doing after my active playing days were over. Teaching kids about life, bullying and of course basketball, the sport that saved me.
In the year 2000 Paul got a call from international basketball scout Rob Meurs as Nike was having a big try-out camp-thing in Paris France. Rob had told Nike about me, that I would be a good candidate to get all those (hundreds) young men ready before participating at these, big well organized, couple of days. Although I had one leg in a cast because of a broken fibula it went very well and I did this two years in a row. Made many friends of which one of them was Tony Parker sr who was also there with his son Jr who, of course you all know, became a superstar for the San Antonio Spurs.
Funny because just before I left for college in 1979 the Telegraaf Newspaper published a picture of me trying to block Tony sr who was for playing 7-UP Haarlem.
Years went by and Paul moved on so Ben Holscher stept in. After Ben it was Edgar Jörissen (now VP/GM! of Nike). Later on Mark Hooiveld and Patrick van den Bosch who were my contact and then moved on for Susan Mulders. All of them great people and awesome to know them. All of them gave me the gear I needed to look and feel the best at my work.
Over the years my work got bigger as I started reaching crazy numbers with the amount of participants per workshop. Close to 50.000 per year were witness of my programs
of which many of them fell in love with the game or their love got even bigger.
But even more so they got to know where I stand for and were all willing to listen what I had to say.
But it has been more than just a partnership with Nike, they reached out and made me feel welcome. Told me when there were fun things to do at HQ Hilversum.
As I had a nice workshop with NBA player Boris Diaw at HQ Hilversum and one of the biggest and most memorable meetings with Kobe Bryant in 2016 with many of my fellow basketball friends
It has been and still is, a great ride that I would never trade for anything. Nike has been good to me and I thank them dearly. 1994-2023 and on going….almost 30 years now.